Steffen Weber


Practice like a pro!

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iPracticePro, the app for iPhone and iPad to practice intonation, ear training, chords and chord progressions for all instruments.
Saxophone players get additional information about fingerings and reed adjustment.


Check out the video tutorials on Youtube. Just enter “iPracticePro” on Youtube or click here.

Drones Chords Information Chord Selection Progressions Pad Metronome Metronome
Chords iPad Pad iPad


The first part of the app allows you to play all chromatic notes in tunings from 432Hz to 444Hz in many different sounds.
The notes sound continuously and it´s a perfect way to practice intervals, chords and scales.
You also have the possibility to play the notes randomly in an adjustable period of time.
The app supports quarter tones if you´ve chosen expert mode.

You can choose out of these sounds:
organ, piano, electric piano, strings, guitar, double bass, bassoon, clarinet, oboe, flute and sine


The chord section contains 5 chords in standard mode and more than 45 chords in expert mode.
The metronome allows you to practice in tempos from 30bpm up to 300bpm. It can be set to different time signatures like 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 9/4, 11/4, 13/4. You can also select or deselect the downbeats and offbeats separately.
You can listen and play to all chords in all twelve keys, see which notes are the chord notes and scale notes and read information about the chord and the corresponding scale.
In addition to that, all chords can also be played randomly. You can choose to just randomly change the root or the root and the chord type.
The app lets you filter the chords, which allows you to only randomly play the chords of for example the modes of melodic minor or harmonic minor.

The complete chord list in standard mode:
▵7, 7, -7, ø7, 5

The complete chord list in expert mode:
▵7, 7, -7, ø7, o7, 5
69, ▵7#11, ▵7#5, ▵7#5(11), ▵7#9, ▵7#9b13
7sus4, 7susb9, 7#11, 7#5, 7b913, 7b9b13, 7b13, 7alt
-6, -▵7, -▵7b13, -7b13, -7b9, -7#11, -▵7#11, phryg, ø713, o7b2b11
major, major/3, major/5, major/b9, major/9, major/b3, major/11, major/#11, major/b13, major/13, major/7, major/▵7
minor, minor/b3, minor/5
augmented, diminished

You can choose out of these sounds:
electric piano, piano, organ and strings


In this section you can practice more than 50 chord progressions in all twelve keys.
The metronome allows you to practice in tempos from 30bpm up to 300bpm. It can be set to different time signatures like 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 9/4, 11/4, 13/4. You can also select or deselect the downbeats and offbeats separately.
The volume of the root note, third and septime or rather the tensions is adjustable.
If you press one of the two random buttons, the app picks a random root or a random progression and root.

The complete chord progression list in standard mode:
II-7 V7 I▵7, IIø7 V7b9 I-7

The complete chord progression list in expert mode:
II-7 V7 I▵7, II-7 V7alt I▵7, II-7 bII7#11 I▵7, II-7 V7b913 I▵7, II-7 V7b9b13 I▵7, II-7 V7susb9 I▵7
IIø7 V7 I-, IIø7 V7b9b13 I-, IIø7 V7alt I-, IIø7 bII7#11 I-, IIø7 V7susb9 I-, IIø7 V7b913 I-
II-7 V7, II-7 V7alt, II-7 bII7#11, II-7 V7b913, II-7 V7b9b19, II-7 V7susb9
IIø7 V7, IIø7 V7b9b13, IIø7 V7alt, IIø7 bII7#11, IIø7 V7susb9, IIø7 V7b913
V7 I▵7, V7alt I▵7, bII7#11 I▵7, V7b913 I▵7, V7b9b13 #II▵7, V7susb9 I▵7
I▵7 VI-7 II-7 V7, I▵7 VI7 II-7 V7, I▵7 #Io7 II-7 #IIo7
II-7 V7 III-7 VI7, II-7 V7 III-7 VI7 I▵7, III-7 VI7 II-7 V7, III-7 VI7 II-7 V7 I▵7, I▵7 IV-6 I▵7, IV-7 bVII7 I▵7
Lady Bird Turnaround, Honeysuckle Rose Bridge, Sweet Georgia Brown ending, Coltrane Changes, Rhythm Changes Bridge

You can choose out of these sounds:
electric piano, piano, organ and strings


Using the pad you can create your own intervals and chords.
You have four octaves and five sounds to choose from, with which you can select up to five tones. The tones can sound both simultaneously or one after the other.
The metronome, with all its setting options, is also included in this section.

You can choose out of these sounds:
electric piano, piano, organ, strings and sine

•Fingerings for saxophone•

There are fingering charts about standard fingerings, false fingerings, altissimo and quarter tones.

If you don´t play the saxophone, you can hide this part of the app.

•Reed adjustment for saxophone and clarinet•

There is information about reed adjustment of sides, table, tip, shoulder and heart.

If you don´t play the saxophone or the clarinet, you can hide this part of the app.


Stealth Mode (Ear Training Mode). You can use stealth mode in drones, chords and progressions. This will hide the currently played chords and display them afterwards.

A practice timer that informs you when your set practice time has expired.

Landscape mode.

Light- and dark appearance (Night Shift).

You can set if you play a C, Bb, oder Eb Instrument.

Fingerings and reed adjustment are probably pretty uninteresting if you don´t play the saxophone. Therefore you can hide this information.

Are you an advanced player? The expert mode offers you additional information which could be confusing to unexperienced musicians. If you have no idea what C▵7#5 means or if you have never heard of quarter tones you probably should choose the standard mode.

All sounds can be played from 432Hz to 444Hz.


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Service supplier: Steffen Weber

Photos by Sascha Rheker

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